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Our Story

What Motivates Us

Blue Sapphire Lops is a family run hobby rabbitry and farm located in Charles County Maryland, established in 2009. We strive to follow the ARBA Standard of Perfection. Our Holland Lop bloodlines go back to some of the top lines in the area, and our main focus is breeding top show quality Blue Eyed White Holland's with excellent temperaments and longevity. We also enjoy striving for the same characteristics with our other color projects which include Chocolate, Ruby Eyed White, Torts, blues and blacks. We officially welcomed Teddywidder rabbits and Standard Rex to our rabbitry in 2023. Our program currently in just Vienna for the Teddy's and Blue,Black and Chocolate for our Standard Rex. Blue Sapphire Lops is a proud member of the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) and the Holland Lop Rabbit Specialty Club (HLRSC). Our Rabbitry is registered with ARBA.


We travel to shows within MD, VA and PA mainly, but we do travel to other states for specialty shows. Showing is an opportunity to evaluate the progress of our programs and enjoy time with friends we have made with this amazing hobby. It's taken several years to produce the quality we have in our blue-eyed white herd, relentless perseverance and severe determination has got us where we are today. We can only continue to improve. I'd like to thank my friends in the hobby, for their continuous support in my program and allowing me to purchase their bloodlines to help improve my herd. You guys know who you are! Thank you!


Every rabbit holds a special place in our barn and in our hearts. We know each one by name. Over the years we have had the pleasure of working with several breeds including Dwarf Hotot's, Cream D'Argents, Lionheads, English Lops, English Angora's, French Lops and in 2014 selling out of our beloved Netherland Dwarfs. Holland lops have definitely stolen our hearts, maybe it's due to their puppy like personalities and cute features. One thing is for sure, our life would not be complete without a Holland! 


We hope you enjoy our website. Please have a look around, we have a wealth of information for you to learn. If you have any questions or are interested in taking one of our lops home, please use our contact page and let us know how we can help you. 


Maria - Herd Management

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